( It's Gluten Free, too!)
Save Money! Eat Top Notch Food!
Making your own yogurt my sound
a little ambitious, but it really isn't.
You only need two ingredients to make this possible.
It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn't it ?
1 Quart of 2 % Milk
3 tablespoons of plain yogurt
Note: A Candy Thermometer works great for
determining the temperature of the milk..
To Create it:
1. Place milk in a saucepan and cook to a temperature
of 180 degree's F,Stirring to prevent scorching.
2. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
3. Cool to 115 degree's F.
4. Now, add the 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt and stir
until well blended.
5. Now, Pour milk mixture into a small 2 quart crock
place on a low temperature setting..Leave alone
and allow to cook for 4 hours.
6. Now, turn crock pot off and allow yogurt to cool
for at least one hour.
7. There you are Plain Homemade Yogurt..Eat plain
or add your favorite fruit or gluten free crunchies.
Otherwise, place in your refrigerator and store for a
later date.. Enjoy!
What makes this yogurt so good, is the fact that it
is all natural. No fake sugar, no fake ingredients..
Remarkable, silky, fresh tasting and mild..Oh, not
to mention all the healthy probiotics going on in it!